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Lose weight, build strength, and have more energy. We always start with your needs and goals. Then we’ll work together to develop a plan to help you eat, move, and live better—in a way that works for your body, and your life.

Get the support you need-every step of the way

We’ll remove all the guesswork and provide the accountability, direction, and support you need to stay consistent, no matter what life throws at you. We’re in this together.

  • Achieve your goals—even when life gets crazy.

    We’ll break your big goals into small daily practices that add up to massive changes. As a result, you’ll progress toward your goals without ever feeling overwhelmed, and build habits that last a lifetime.

  • Health benefits beyond weight loss.

    Our science-based coaching method does more than just teach you how to eat better. In the end, it won’t be just about what you lose, but what you’ll gain: knowledge, control, and the confidence that comes with knowing you’re capable of anything.

    Secure Order

    Your order is secure with us, we use encrypted technology to process it. 

    7 Days Guarantee

    If you do not like the academy, you can ask to cancel within the first 7 days. Your happiness is our priority



    At 34, chronic depression and undiagnosed health problems had robbed Chrystalene of agency and energy.

    She wasn’t happy with her weight. Movement was often painful. And sometimes, she could barely bring herself to finish the simplest tasks, like sweeping the floor, doing the dishes, or flossing her teeth. Even going out for a coffee could seem overwhelming.

    She called herself “lazy.” She told herself she just needed to exercise and eat better and be more positive. If she failed, she blamed herself. She even hid from potential sources of support.

    Eventually, Chrystalene realized that if she wanted to change, she needed help. She joined The Unbounded Woman Academy with the hope that she might find it there.

    And a funny thing happened when Chrystalene became willing to receive support:

    Things got easier.

    With the help of a flexible program and an empathetic coach, Chrystalene found the momentum she needed.

    She began to show up for herself. She took medication to deal with her chronic depression. She saw a physiotherapist about her injuries. She underwent surgery for her health problems.

    She took full responsibility for herself, but also learned that you don’t have to go it alone.

    “There’s probably a way to make your heavy thing lighter, and finding out how to do that is worth it. It doesn’t have to be hard all the time. It’s not all your fault.”

    Her message to others who are struggling?

    “Be on your own side. Don’t give up.”


    When Chelsea joined The Unbounded Woman Academy, she just wanted her old self back: A former athlete who played tennis, basketball, and competed in triathlons. Someone who felt fit, capable, and attractive.

    Frequent injuries and a busy career as a lawyer contributed to a fitness backslide that Chelsea struggled to overcome, so she decided to seek support.

    With great intentions, Chelsea dove into the Unbounded Woman Academy. But she quickly found that with her injuries and busy schedule, perfection was not going to be an option.

    Temporarily, this threw her off course.

    “About halfway through the program, I missed about 2-3 weeks of the daily lessons. I thought, ‘I’ve blown it, I can’t do this anymore, I’ve got so much on my plate with work’.”

    Luckily, Coach Dani helped Chelsea keep moving forward. “With her encouragement, my focus became this: just continue to show up.”

    That attitude ended up giving Chelsea the results you see below, and more: Better mobility, the ability to run without pain, even the chance to get back to triathlons.

    Chelsea lost her youthful athleticism… and then regained it. She lost momentum in the program… and then regained it.

    If there’s anything Chelsea knows, it’s that sometimes, life gets in the way… but showing up is what matters most.


    “Enjoy your body,” says 46-year-old Sharon, who lost more than 30 pounds with The Unbounded Woman Academy.

    “Take pleasure in movement. Take pride in what you can do.”

    This deep appreciation for physical health is what allows many clients to maintain fitness regimens and weight loss over time.

    After fighting breast cancer, Sharon says, “My biggest regret about my earlier life is that I didn’t have the opportunity or understand what a precious gift my physicality was.”

    You have permission to let go of the “sculpt your butt in 3 days” mainstream narrative. Just discover what your body can do.

    Enjoy it.


    We all have a specific motivation for wanting to lose fat and get fit. Keep that in mind. Whether it’s getting strong enough to play sports with your kids or looking great on your wedding day.

    That last one is what helped 32-year-old Melissa lose 55 pounds.

    “The whole time, I had this image of myself on my wedding day in my head,” Melissa says. “Walking tall, feeling amazing — feeling statuesque instead of soft around the edges.”

    Don’t just think about how you want to look; think about how you want to feel.

    “It’s not just about what you see in the mirror, it’s what you feel inside,” says Melissa.

    How do you want to feel?


    Capable of handling anything that life throws at you?

    Free to try new things?

    Comfortable in your own skin?

    Imagine what it will be like to live as your future self. How does that guy or girl look, how do they feel, and what do they do?

    How could you start living a little more like that person today?


    Daniela Gattel INC 

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    Built 100% with LOVE


    [email protected]


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    New York NY 10001

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